1. Privacy Statement
In order to protectpersonal privacy and support the protection of personal information, ONYXhereby explains to you the purpose, type, scope and method of use of personalinformation collected by ONYX, as well as the rights you have exercised in thefollowing statement; If you have any questions about ONYX's privacy statement,the following related notices, or related matters related to personal dataprotection, you can contact the customer service center and a dedicated personwill be arranged to serve you.
2. Scope of Application
The Privacy Statement andthe notices contained therein apply only to websites owned and operated byONYX. ONYX websites may contain many links, or goods or services provided byother partners and individual stores, please refer to the privacy statements ofsuch linked websites, partner websites or individual store stores and noticesrelated to personal data protection, please refer to the respective linkedwebsites, partner websites or individual store online stores.
3. Purpose and Categoriesof Personal Data Collection
In order to providee-commerce services, after-sales service, fulfill statutory or contractualobligations, protect the rights and interests of parties and related stakeholders,marketing, customer management and services, and operate business in accordancewith the business registration items or articles of association, depending onthe nature of each service, your name, contact information (including but notlimited to telephone, e-mail and address, etc.), information necessary tocomplete the collection or payment, IP address, and other personal informationthat can directly or indirectly identify the user.
4. Use of Personal Data
The personal information,consumption and transaction information that can identify users, or otherpersonal information provided with your consent in the future are only used forinternal use, processed and used in accordance with the purpose of collection,or necessary to complete the provision of services or performance ofcontractual obligations, or used in accordance with relevant laws andregulations or by competent authorities or transferred to the purpose ofcollection.
5. Data Subject's Rights
The data subject mayrequest access to, access to or a copy of his/her personal data. If yourpersonal data is changed, or if your personal data is found to be incorrect,you can request correction or correction from us; If the information youprovide is incorrect or missing, it is not protected by this Privacy Statement.When the purpose for which the personal data was collected ceases or the periodexpires, you may request the deletion, cessation of processing or use of thepersonal data.
6. Cookie
For the convenience ofusers, ONYX websites may read cookie data stored on users' computers. Users cancancel or restrict this function through browser settings, but may not be ableto use some website functions as a result.
7. Payment Methods
Credit card onlineone-time payment
ATM transfer
LINE PAY payments
8.Product fulfillmentinstructions
· Order and delivery: Aftercompleting the ordering process, the goods will be shipped within 2-3 workingdays according to the order order, and the arrival date will be determinedaccording to the specified logistics delivery time. Shipping days on workingdays, excluding weekends and holidays. In case of out-of-stock, defective orother product conditions, we will contact us by phone or email.
· Estimated logistics delivery days: home delivery(2-3 working days on the island), convenience belt on the island (3-5 workingdays, if the logistics at the receiving place cannot be delivered.
· If we are unable to accept your order, we willnotify you within 2 working days after receiving your order. Our store reservesthe right of final decision.
9. Membership
Join a member for thefirst time and get 200 NT shopping money
Membership Rating 1.Regular Member 2.VIP Member
Upgrade VIP method:accumulate 3,000 NT of consumption board within one year, and re-accumulateconsumption on the next day to renew
Shopping Bonus: 5% forRegular Members 10% for VIP Members
VIP members enjoy the birthdaycredit and the gift of the month.
10. Discount on purchases
· Shopping credit is calculated 1 to 1 with Taiwanesedollar.
11. Product AppreciationPeriod
There is a 7-day productappreciation period from the time the product arrives at your disposal (7 daysincluding holidays).
If you need to return thegoods, please contact the customer service staff within 7 days of receiving thegoods, and provide "name", "order number", "contactnumber", "return product name", "return reason and photo"and other information, and the customer service staff will assist you to returnand exchange the goods after receiving it. (Packaging and merchandise must becomplete, additional charges may be charged if damaged, or no appreciationperiod may be available)
12. Instructions forReturns and Exchanges
The returned goods mustbe unused, and there is no defacement or malfunction caused by human defects,and the 7-day appreciation period guaranteed by the Consumer Protection Law isonly for you to hesitate and confirm whether the product meets your needs, nota trial period for the product; If you are prompted by our store, please keepthe complete original packaging (including the outer packaging caron),otherwise you will not accept returns.
Returns cannot beaccepted in the following cases:
1. Product appreciationperiod of more than 7 days.
2. The goods have beenopened and used, or damaged due to human factors, such as: defacement, failure,damage, wear, abrasion, scratches, dirt.
3. The packaging of thereturned goods is damaged and incomplete, or the invoice and accessories areincomplete.
4. Malicious or bulkreturns.
13. Return Process
Contact customer servicestaff→ confirm that the goods can be exchanged or returned→ prepare complete goods and invoices→ provide the collection timeand contact information, address, → will be collected by thelogistics entrusted by us.
14. Warranties
This product ismanufactured by ONYX and corresponds to a set of ONYX authorized serialnumbers.
Please log in to theofficial LINE or website for product warranty, and you will have a 3-yearwarranty immediately after registration.
Non-man-made damage,repair and replacement services (except consumables).
The physical store mustimmediately execute the registration warranty when purchasing the product andreceiving the product, and if the purchase date cannot be proved, the warrantywill be calculated as the factory date for 3 years.
The followingdescriptions are not covered by the warranty:
1. No warrantyregistration on official LINE or official website.
2. Warranty timeexceeded.
3. Unable to prove thedate of purchase.
4. Man-made intentionaldestruction, scratching, knocking, etc. or violation of the manual use.
5. Irresistible naturaland man-made disasters: such as lightning strikes, fires, wind disasters,earthquakes, and floods.
6. Damage caused byarbitrary alteration or disassembly of products other than those manufacturedby ONYX.
7. Consumables are nolonger covered by the warranty. (Ex. gasket, hexagonal plate hand).
8. Our company reservesthe right to identify the damage of goods.